Let’s Go! Fairhope is your diverse events-related newsletter, calendar and website resource for Fairhope, Alabama.
About Let’s Go! Fairhope
Early 2025 Stats
- Over 1K weekly email subscribers (growing daily)
- 67% open-rate (30-45% is considered positive for a digital newsletter)
- Over 4K website views monthly
- 16.4K Facebook group members / 3.5K Facebook Followers
- 1K+ Instagram Followers
- 80% Women 35-65
Let’s Go! Fairhope is an events-related calendar, newsletter and website resource for Fairhope, Alabama.
We list events, provide educational information about events-related news in the community, and allow businesses and groups to get out the word in order to increase knowledge and options in our community.
While events must have a 36532 (Fairhope) address in order to be included in the black-and-white events list, we allow ANYONE to advertise in the newsletter. “Even the family dog can be a sponsor.” We can also incorporate your logo into the “The List” as a headlining sponsor or inner-publication mention.
Supporting Let’s Go! Fairhope means supporting your business or organization, and your local community. We help raise awareness regarding activities and opportunities without bias.
Components of Let’s Go! Fairhope
Weekly Electronic Newsletter
- Delivered weekly to email inboxes on Sundays, highlighting the week ahead
- Full-color newsletter information regarding upcoming events, articles, opportunities, sponsors, etc.
- Promotes the weekly black-and-white printable events-list
- Shared on social media – Facebook & Instagram
Weekly Events List aka. “The List”
- A simple, friendly, black-and-white “handwritten” style list that reminds folks at-a-glance of daily happenings
- Can be printed and posted on the fridge
- Promoted with links in the weekly Let’s Go! Fairhope newsletter and accessed via the website
- Comes out on Sundays for the week ahead
- Contains approx 120-150 events each week
- Members/sponsors are prioritized and guaranteed space where free listings are included when possible
- Sponsor space is available in three ways: Headlining logo, inner-publication, and guaranteed space for events to be listed with embedded link to sponsor information
- FREE events listings in the searchable electronic calendar (see Contact page for copy-paste email form)
- Resource for local residents and businesses seeking events-related services
- Opportunity for businesses, venues and services to list available offerings
We seek to help level the playing field and provide an outlet for local folks by local folks. Our high open-rate shows our community really truly cares and wants to know what’s going on in our community.
Why Fairhope Loves It
While we are increasingly connected digitally, it can often feel overwhelming, difficult, if not impossible to keep up with everything going on around town. Let’s Go Fairhope seeks to help.
Let’s Go Fairhope sifts through endless posts, websites and insider-scoop information to bring you the skinny on events and things to do locally. It filters out the noise and gets to the point. The events list is a simple list, presented in a friendly format, reminding us at-a-glance of what’s happening each week. The weekly newsletter highlights and expands on events and community information.
Our fans say they like the list because it’s basic, easily accessible, can be printed and posted on the fridge, and found on social media. The newsletter is popular because it’s easier to follow than social media and information isn’t lost.
Social media is not free, nor unbiased. How can you have 1,000 followers and only a few likes on a social media post? With Let’s Go! Fairhope, you have thousands of followers each week who are real-life local people actually reading their email, viewing the calendars, and clicking on information to learn more.
Let’s Go Fairhope began as an email-only black-and-white list of events circa 2018, quickly amassing a couple hundred subscribers to the weekly blast. After repeated requests for it to appear on social media, a Facebook profile was created which gained over 1,000 local Friends. Facebook quickly said, “Nope, You have to be a real person… with a Page” and said they were going to shut down the profile. So the Let’s Go Facebook page and events group was born.
During the pandemic, no events = no list, and the social media group was fostered in its place. Things quieted down for a while, but Fairhope is growing and is as vibrant as ever, so this useful information source came back with even more opportunities in Spring 2024.
When Let’s Go! Fairhope’s founder, C. Darby Ulery, developed a health condition that limited her ability to continue in her former career path and attend events personally, the list became even more important in terms of a way to stay connected and relevant in a difficult time.
Released each Sunday, highlighting things-to-do for the week ahead, there is now a newsletter and website with a variety of resources that can be viewed 27/7-365 in addition to the traditional printable black-and-white events list.
Please be a part of it! “Let’s Go!”
Please Help to Continue this Project
The only way this resource can continue is if the community helps support it. Low-cost sponsorship options include headline advertisements, featured ads, short articles, and guaranteed space in the events list. We also accept donations and private contributions.
Our motto is “No one likes to be sold anything.” That’s why Let’s Go! Fairhope uses an educational and informational approach to help the community connect with local businesses, makers, and other individuals who have unique and special opportunities to offer.
Click here to contact us
Let’s Go Fairhope needs your support to continue to grow and provide this valuable service.
Please consider submitting your events, becoming a friend / sponsor, and/or just reach out here:
LetsGoFairhope@gmail.com / 251-929-GOGO
Your thoughts and suggestions are always welcome.