Contact Let’s Go Fairhope

To advertise your name or business, submit your event, request your event be removed, ask a question / send feedback, etc. email

Free Event Submissions* (Please read below regarding free event listings):

When submitting your event, please copy-paste the fields below, fill in the information and email to the address above:

Event Date:


Event Name:

Address / Location:

Event Link: (Facebook / Website)

Contact: (Name of person responsible for answering questions, phone number and/or email address)


To submit your photo for consideration in an upcoming newsletter issue, please send your image along with location information, name and contact details to

(251) 929 – GOGO /4646

*Regarding FREE EVENT submissions:

When you submit the short form above, your event will be entered into the online searchable electronic calendar resulting in a shareable live link.

Let’s Go! Fairhope has multiple ways to reach audiences:

>Electronic newsletter

>Printable events list

>Searchable electronic calendar

>Social Media

If you would like to guarantee your event appears in some or all of the above resources in addition to the free listing, contact us to see about a low-cost sponsorship or membership.  Sponsors receive guaranteed and priority listings.

“Let’s Go!”