Fairhope Rapid Growth Concerns Group to Discuss Zoning Re-Vote

“Planning District 38 Group Meeting – Second Time Around”

Thursday, August 8, 2024 @ 5:30 PM

Location: Delta Grocery Restaurant

8594 US Highway 98

From the “Planning District 38” Facebook Event and Facebook Group
August 3, 2024:

This meeting is to regroup about putting the vote for zoning back on the table. We can re-vote in December and there is much to discuss. We are the ONLY district in Fairhope that is not zoned and there are over 300 permits being applied for as we speak. We need to have a serious discussion about where we go from here.


Facing continued rapid growth, the trend of zoning referendums in unzoned areas of the county around Fairhope continues with the county commission’s approval of boundaries for a proposed new district 38, generally to run just west of Greeno Road beginning at CR 32 and then south of Highway 98 all the way to Week’s Bay […].

A group of Barnwell-area residents led by CR 3 resident Lisa Atchley initiated the effort; 10% of registered voters there must sign a petition to the judge of probate in favor, then a voter referendum will be set for later in the year. If approved by voters a five person committee will then be appointed to develop the new zoning map. […]

The organizing group cited “preserving existing agricultural and equestrian uses” as reasons for wanting zoning. 

Map posted by Melissa Nolte, a Planning District 38 Facebook Group member, December 2022.

Post accompanying the above map in 2022:

The Proposed District 38 Zoning vote did NOT pass. Final count: 132 yes 155 no

There will be no zoning implemented in the district 38 area. Thanks to everyone for their efforts and to everyone who showed up to vote.

{…] It will be 2 years before the area is eligible to consider it again.

Comments from Planning District 38 Facebook Group members regarding the above map and post from 2022:
  • I wanted to thank you for all the work you put in on this project. I was at the meeting Monday night to get educated on what was actually being proposed. I was a “no” vote going into the meeting, but after thinking about it for the next several hours, my vote was changed to a “yes”. It was a unique approach to zoning in which we were offered a chance to control how we saw our community being developed rather than absolutely no control at all. Thank you again for making the effort. It is very much appreciated.
  • It really needed it to pass. Let’s try again.
  • 2 years but definitely
  • When a zoning vote fails you can’t try again for 2 years. Sorry to hear it didn’t pass.
  • Wow! I’m surprised it didn’t pass
  • Maybe next time someone can post the actual official rules that would apply to homeowners in the District 38 area if it passed. This time there were just a lot of people speculating what it would mean and saying things intended to scare people. That’s why the “no” vote won I believe
Update submitted by Melissa Nolte to Let’s Go! Fairhope:

The planning commission approved this past Thursday, 339 new homes between County Road 24 and Wagner Road. It’s 339 lots on about 116 acres and I think it was called Saddlewood[.] [T]hat one has a passed planning commission and will now go to County Commission so there’s no stopping it.

That is a direct result of a lack of zoning. And our area’s failure to pass it at the last referendum.

For questions regarding the
“Planning District 38 Group Meeting – Second Time Around”
meeting on August 8, 2024, contact Lisa Atchley via the Planning District 38 Facebook Group by clicking here.

Note: Images and content above sourced from “Planning District 38” Facebook Group and Fairhope citizens.

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