Point Clear Polo Club Seeks Spectators & Future Graduates of First Polo School

Here’s What You Need to Know:

“The Point Clear Polo Club has existed since 1970, and we want to see it continue to flourish. This school will help make that happen.”

The Point Clear Polo Club has announced they are launching the new Point Clear Polo School with the goal of increasing local awareness and interest in the sport.

By teaching individuals of all ages how to play, and through sharing the love of polo, the goal is to make Fairhope a polo destination for Mobile and Baldwin Counties, Pensacola, and surrounding areas.

Let’s Go! Fairhope interviewed Hutch Radcliff, Point Clear Polo Club President, to find out more about the course, upcoming events, and the nature of polo in general.

“No horse, no problem. No previous riding experience required.”

Rates above reflect totals for 8-weeks.

Lessons are $125 each / $1,000 or $2,000 total for the entire course, depending on number of lessons per week.

First, let’s talk about the school:

“Adults of any age are welcome.”

“The minimum age to sign up for the course right now is twelve years old.”

Is this a new program, or have you offered it before?

It’s new. Other clubs in the country have offered courses, and now we’re doing it here in our area. Our goal is to grow the sport, and a polo school is the best way to introduce and help the community become familiar with it.

What’s the big-picture?

The goal is to expose people to polo with the hope of gaining more polo players over time. We are thinking about the longevity of polo locally. The Point Clear Polo Club has existed since 1970, and we want to see it continue to flourish. This school will help make that happen.

Can anyone sign up?

Adults of any age are welcome. The minimum age to sign up for the course right now is twelve years old. We will consider younger students, but that would likely be through private lessons. No previous riding experience is required.

“Initially, you will learn how to tack up a horse. That means you’ll learn how to put on the saddle and bridal so that you can put the equipment on your horse each time.”

What is the class schedule?

Right now, we are scheduling classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 pm, and Saturday mornings at 11 am. There may be some flexibility depending on demand. These seasons are for the students and coach only. The club members will practice and play on different days.

For students who want 1-1 instruction, we also offer private lessons at $150 per hour.

What are the logistics?

In order to make it all work, we have to have the horses quiet enough for beginners, so we are starting by bringing in horses along with someone who has a vested interest in teaching and coaching. That person is Ethan Galis.

Ethan is licensed by the U.S. Polo Association to teach polo. He plays professional polo himself. He has lot of knowledge about the sport.

We are able to get him to come in from Austin, Texas. Ethan will live here for two months, and then he will be back in the fall for the next course.

The first course will be held from April through May, and we’ll do another one from mid-September to mid-November. The schedule can change because of weather, but that’s the plan for now.

All practices will be in Silverhill.

“…it’s a commitment. You have to sign up and pay in advance. It lasts for eight weeks.”

“Other than the helmet, there are no additional fees for the class.”

What should people know when they sign up?

One thing to know about the class is that it’s a commitment. You have to sign up and pay in advance. It lasts for eight weeks. Everyone will be required to sign a release that protects the club from liability.

The course will cost $1,000 for 8-weeks if students want to practice once a week, or $2,000 if they choose twice a week. It works out to about $125 per lesson.

Are there any hidden fees?

Each student will have to provide their own helmet. Tractor Supply currently has several sizes in stock, with more available online. There are also some other local equestrian places that sell helmets.

Other than the helmet, there are no additional fees for the class.

Club membership may come up later, after students learn the game, if they decide to move to a higher level of participation. There is no other investment associated with the class itself, however.

What should students wear or bring?

As mentioned above, students will need to bring and wear their own helmet.

Footwear needs to have a heel in order to keep the back of your foot from going through the stirrup. We suggest boots with a heel, something you can wear when you are riding is all that is necessary. No flip flops.

Blue jeans, or riding pants if you have them, is fine. Something comfortable, not too loose. No shorts or sweat pants.

Aside from jeans, boots and helmets, all other course equipment will be provided.

“We want people to shed the misconception that you have to be extremely wealthy, or that you have to have grown up playing polo to become a player or to enjoy the games.”

“We are trying to show that it’s casual, it’s fun. There’s nothing formal about it.”

What is the pace of the lesson?

Initially, you will learn how to tack up a horse. That means you’ll learn how to put on the saddle and bridal so that you can put the equipment on your horse each time.

We’ll go at a walk in the beginning. It will depend on the experience of the individual. This will determine whatever pace is appropriate. We will slowly increase speed over the duration of the lessons, but everyone needs to become comfortable on the horse, so we take it incrementally.

“It doesn’t cost anything to come out and watch and enjoy the games, so we want to encourage people to consider becoming spectators, even if they choose not to play themselves.”

Now, let’s talk about polo in general:

“We encourage everyone to come and tailgate. Wear shorts, bring the kids, lawn chairs…”

Is polo an exclusive sport?

Many people have an impression, from sources in Hollywood, like “Pretty Woman,” where it seems like polo is an exclusive thing. Many also know it from a fundraiser setting, so they’re thinking polo means always all dressed up and all about money.

We want people to shed the misconception that you have to be extremely wealthy, or that you have to have grown up playing polo to become a player or to enjoy the games. Depending on how much you play, yes, it can become expensive. This is truly something that is available to anyone, however, if they have the interest.

Now, this isn’t pickleball. We aren’t going to try to hide the fact that depending on how serious you get about polo, costs can increase and it can become expensive. But as a hobby, it may not be as unreachable as many people think.

It doesn’t cost anything to come out and watch and enjoy the games, so we want to encourage people to consider becoming spectators, even if they choose not to play themselves.

We are trying to show that it’s casual, it’s fun. There’s nothing formal about it.

We are really a bunch of wanna-be cowboys, and ultimately very casual. 99% of the time we’re in blue jeans.

When people get around it, they get used to it. It’s a lot of fun when folks come out to watch.

Most people who come out to watch fall in love with it. They love the family atmosphere, and in many cases, they say it’s not what they thought.

“Now, this isn’t pickleball. We aren’t going to try to hide the fact that depending on how serious you get about polo, costs can increase and it can become expensive. But as a hobby, it may not be as unreachable as many people think.”

“The real fun, the main games, will be Sundays at 3 PM. Every weekend starting in April should be a lot of fun. We encourage families and groups to attend.”

What is the vision for the Point Clear Polo Club?

Our long-term goal is to get attendance up, and build interest and participation in the sport. Then we can start selling sponsorships from the field level. That will enable us to be able to pay for everything it takes to put on the programs, to become known as a destination for the sport for our region.

Right now is the beginning of making this sport popular in the area, and making it an attraction in Fairhope. It’s something not all communities have, so it’s really special; it’s a great opportunity.

We want to set this up now so that more people will be able to enjoy in the future.

How are teams organized?

There are women’s tournaments, and mixed tournaments.

Every player will have a handicap rating, that’s how we organize teams.

The handicaps range from -1 to ten. Someone who has what we call a “10-goal” rating would be playing with the best players in the world. Those who are non-professional polo players are typically somewhere between -1, 0, and 1. There are some higher, but most are in this range.

What are the different levels?

Right now we have the school in the works, and if everything goes as planned, it will progress over time. Most clubs have what’s known as a “Margarita League.” This is a step up from the school level in terms of experience of the players, but not yet an experienced league. Some people stay in the polo school for years. There’s no pressure to step into the next or experienced leagues too quickly.

“When people get around it, they get used to it. It’s a lot of fun when folks come out to watch.”

“In May, we compete every weekend with a professional umpire. So by then, it’s a lot more competitive and more exciting to watch.”

What’s the correct lingo? Are your events called tournaments?

We call them games, or polo matches. Either a game or a match is accurate.

Where do you physically hold club practices and games?

We have multiple fields in the Fairhope, Silverhill, and the Point Clear area. Sometimes we change locations due to too much rain or pressure on the fields, so we break it up.

Are club practices and matches scheduled separately from the school?

The polo school and the polo club practices will be held separately.

The school will practice on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with club practices held Wednesdays at 4 pm. Club games are scheduled Fridays and Sundays.

The real fun, the main games, will be Sundays at 3 PM. Every weekend starting in April should be a lot of fun. We encourage families and groups to attend.

In May, we compete every weekend with a professional umpire. So by then, it’s a lot more competitive and more exciting to watch.

Additional games will be added, so check Facebook for schedules, locations, and details.

“It’s very family-oriented.”

Is everyone invited?

Yes, it’s open to the public. There is no entry free. When it comes to the matches, we encourage everyone to come and tailgate. Wear shorts, bring the kids, lawn chairs, blankets, a cooler of beer, whatever you’re into.

Be as casual or as fancy as you want to be. If you bring a dog, make sure they are on a leash. We don’t want anything to scare the horses.

Designated parking will be available. You can park on either the east or west sides of the field.

Enjoy the afternoon! It’s very family-oriented.

What about concessions or food at the polo field matches?

Everything right now is bring-your-own. We’ve talked about having food trucks in the future. Once we build up enough attendance, we’ll add stuff like that.

What if we don’t know the rules?

We will have an announcer at the game. That’s Ethan. He’ll be explaining what’s going on. He will do a good job explaining, and you’ll know what’s going on.

What is special about the Point Clear Polo Club?

One thing is the history. We’ve been around since 1970. We are one of oldest clubs in the United Sates. We have gone nonstop since 1970, and not many clubs can say that.

It’s also unique to this area.

There are over 5,000 individuals who are U.S. Polo Association members around the United States, and over 200 clubs nationwide.

There are two teams from Point Clear that are playing in the highest level in the U.S. right now. Those teams are Clearwater, owned by Chip Campbell, and Pilot Polo, owned by Curtis Pilot. Both of these teams are competing currently in Wellington, Florida. The best players in the world are playing in Florida right now.

How can folks stay up to date on matches?

Check Facebook to be sure everything is happening on schedule. If weather is an issue, we will adjust accordingly.

What is the U.S. Polo Association?

The U.S. Polo Association is the national governing body for the sport. It was founded in the late 1800’s. It also owns the licensing rights for the U.S. Polo Association clothing line. This is in competition with Polo Ralph Lauren. There have been lawsuits, but sales of the merchandise of the Polo Association helps to support and further the mission. They put that money back into the sport. For example, Ethan is coming with the horses, and he requires a salary, and so the U.S. Polo Association is helping pay for this.

Where is a good place to watch or brush up in advance?

All over YouTube, there are a ton of videos right now. This is the peak season right now in Florida. The highest level polo in the United States is held in Wellington, Florida. So a lot of those games are televised or available via videos. They are free to watch on YouTube.

For more information about the Point Clear Polo School, Call/Text Ethan Galis 817.991.1366
For more details on local polo in general, follow Point Clear Polo Club on Facebook: facebook.com/pointclearpolo

Images above sourced with permission from the Point Clear Polo Club Facebook page.

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