Become a Let’s Go Fairhope Supporter

It’s always free to receive, read, and submit information to the Let’s Go Fairhope list of local events. But as the list grows, decisions must be made regarding which events will be featured and which will “fall off” the hard-copy and electronic lists based on line space and the time it takes to prepare the publication.

Residents and Friends: Join as an individual member to show your support and help us grow. You are also welcome to consider the Business options below with your name appearing as a banner ad.

Businesses: By becoming a financial supporter of “The List,” you reserve space so that your information will be listed with priority and a link to your website and/or additional event information will be included.

Keep in mind, we can adjust and customize anything fit your budget and goals.

Request a copy of our current advertising rates via email today:

Business Resource Roster –

Venues, Photographers, Musicians, etc.

For those who don’t hold events themselves, but have something to offer…

Your event-related business will be listed in our online event-planning resource guide apprising locals of events-related services, products, and venues for hire.

Non-event-related businesses are recognized as supporters of local events through our Friends & Supporters resource page. Those seeking to do business with community-minded entities will find your logo and business information.


Events-List Priority Level

Your events will be listed with priority each week

Your event(s) will be listed with priority with clickable links to your website in the weekly events list and electronic calendar. In addition, your business will be listed in the Friends & Supporters roster described above, also as a venue, if applicable, for no additional charge.


Inner-Newsletter Level

Your events listed will be with priority each week, with additional ads and special features in the newsletter and social media
  • At least one monthly inner-publication ad in a weekly newsletter
  • At least one annual opportunity for your business to sponsor a community-minded informational article for no additional charge (a $200 value per article)
  • Your business name listed at least once a quarter as a day-of-the-week sponsor inside an events list (or equivalent schedule that meets your goals)


Let’s Go! Level

Everything above plus:
  • One annual promotional article which can be used as a press release, included on your website, etc., photos you can keep, featured in the newsletter and promoted on social media.
  • At least one headlining sponsor week w/ your logo featured at top of a newsletter as well as at the top of an events list
  • Your logo appearing each week inside the newsletter in the supporters section
  • Calendar link for your website, if desired


* “Events” can be a traditional date-time-location promotion, a new-product announcement, sale, shout-out highlighting something special, or we can customize something to fit your goals. If you prefer a banner ad rather than event announcement, there are many great solutions to meet your needs.

We offer a variety of promotional and advertising tailored to fit your needs and budget. If you don’t see anything that works for you above in the membership chart, reach out and let’s discuss something unique to fit.

Corporate Opportunities

Annual headlining sponsorships and other promotional opportunities available for corporate industries.

Contact us for details: 251-929-GOGO /